
picture credit: the Shelley
Jackson page of the
Brown University
Storyspace Cluster

Preliminary Reading

Stitching together Narrative, Sexuality, Self: Shelley Jackson's "Patchwork Girl": a lucid, succinct investigation of Patchwork Girl written by George Landow, an early practitioner and conceptualizer of hypertext

Who's in Charge Here?: a past-paced article exploring the role of the reader in producing meaning from hypertext

Read both articles before class on Monday, 20 April. The weekly quiz will test your understanding of their content, and your knowledge of the authors' main ideas. Take notes.

Further Reading

"Stitch Bitch: The Hypertext Author as Cyborg-Femme: an informative interview with Shelley Jackson, including links to her more recent work

Patchwork Girl: a review: a short response to Patchwork Girl

Student Responses to Patchwork Girl: these brief responses usually focus on a single aspect of the text. I recommend that you read them to gain some ideas of what you might find within the reading

Dinosaur or PostModern Mutant? Narrative in the Age of Information: a more general article probing the value of hypertext and using Patchwork Girl as one of its foci

Poles in Your Face: The Promises and Pitfalls of Hyperfiction: a witty article from the literary journal, The Mississippi Review, questioning how far reading hyperfiction actually differs from reading a text-on-paper book and asking whether practitioners have yet exploited the full potential of the medium

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