
     Suppose all else fails, then we start looking at zoos.  But before we do, we need to look at
     the role of zoos a bit more (your text glosses over some of the other aspects of zoos).

     I. Recreation

     The reason for the existence of zoos is almost undoubtedly recreation.

          Wild animals (and to a lesser extent plants) have intrigued folks for centuries. 
          Numerous rulers and kings have collected animals.  

               An obvious example is the Roman Empire where lots of exotic animals
               were brought in for display (as well as the arena, of course).

               Other examples dot history.

          Even today, it's estimated that in the U.S. zoos attract more people annually than
          all major league sports combined.

               The main reason to go to zoos is to look at animals, have fun, etc.

     II. Education

     Quite some time ago, zoos realized that they need to start educating the public.

          These days, things like a "chimpanzees tea party" are out.  Instead, zoos try to use
          a setting that approximates the natural habitat of the species.

          In addition, there are numerous plaques, signs and presentations discussing the
          status of species.  

               Endangered species are often singled out with special signs or other

               For many people, their only knowledge of deforestation, pollution, or other
               things comes from zoos, so this is an important job.

               As such, "advertising" the plight of the natural world and getting support
               for conservation is one critical.

     III. Research

     Much important research takes place in zoos.  One has to be careful with the applicability
     of this research, however.

          Physiology, diseases, nutrition, reproductive biology, etc. are often cited as
          important research going on in zoos.

          Obviously, ecology, some natural history, behavior, etc. are examples of research
          in which the results may be less applicable to wild populations.

          Even with the above mentioned topics, though, there can be problems:

               Diseases - are the ones in zoos the same as in wild populations?

               Reproductive biology - does this work the same?  Food or behavior can
               have strong impacts on what happens reproductively, and if this is
               somehow dissimilar, then the results may different than in wild

               Nutrition - obviously, what they eat in captivity may be totally different
               from what they eat in the wild (e.g., "cat diet" given to cheetahs).

               Physiology - one simple example is that captive populations are not as
               active as wild populations (and live much longer).  This has obvious
               impacts on physiology.

          Important - this is not to say that research done is zoos is useless - quite the
          contrary.  It's extremely important.  It's just that using the results of research done
          in zoos on wild populations has to be done with care.

               An obvious example of zoo research being quite useful is in the
               development of tranquilizers.  

     IV. Conservation

     Finally we get to the role of zoos in conservation.  Obviously, this is only one role that
     zoos have.  

          The basic idea here is to breed animals:

               - to preserve a species.

               - to build up a species for its possible return to the wild (or to augment
               wild populations).

               - so that zoos can display a species without removing it from the wild.

          When to take animals into captivity?

               - not many guidelines exist.

               - obviously, this should happen before the population is so small that
               capture will accelerate a decline (i.e., that capture contributes to the

                    - again, the obvious exception of populations faced with imminent
                    extinction due to extremely low population numbers (i.e., catch all
                    that remain).

                    - but, if a particular animal is difficult to catch, then maybe one
                    shouldn't wait until one is down to the last few individuals (or you
                    may not catch any!).

                    - very low numbers also make it difficult to get needed information
                    on breeding, feeding, etc. (stuff one needs to do in captivity).

               - often taking animals into captivity is a stop-gap measure.  One hopes to
               remove the cause of the decline, but to prevent a further drop in numbers
               the population is removed to captivity.

                    - several of the birds affected by the brown tree snake were
                    removed into captivity.

                         - the brown tree snake is still there (and unlikely to go

                         - nevertheless, translocating the birds to a different island
                         seems to have worked.

               - when taking an animal into captivity, one needs to keep in mind that one
               may do more harm than good, particularly little is known about breeding
               the animal.

          Captive breeding:

               - not the answer to everything:

                    - for example, zoos just don't have the capacity for dealing with all
                    the endangered species in the world.  The text points out that
                    breeding programs for pink pigeons and hutias ground to a halt
                    after zoos ran out of space.

                    - this is exacerbated by the fact that zoos concentrate on large
                    mammals.  In fairness, this is a little bit of a public perception

                         - giant pandas are cuddlier than giant anacondas.

                         - if you want to raise money, use pandas, not anacondas.

               - main difficulties facing captive breeding (other than space):

                    - balancing the number of individuals with genetic management. 
                    Sometimes the overriding concern is getting numbers back up, in
                    which case genetic management is secondary.

                    - time and expense.  It takes time to breed animals, it takes time to
                    become successful at it, etc.

                         - it can also be expensive.  Figures on the golden lion
                         tamarin for 1984 - 1989 are close to 3 million dollars.  It is
                         true, though, that the golden lion tamarin is a success story
                         for captive breeding (we don't know what to do with all the
                         tamarins now).  Release programs seem to be working.

               - does one do captive breeding on site or in zoos?

                    - depends.  If it appears that the local area will do well, then that
                    should probably be used.  

                    - if difficulties are expected (i.e., no one knows about breeding
                    behavior or nutrition), then the animals should probably be moved
                    to a zoo.

                         - zoos have more experience, technical know-how, and
                         facilities to deal with difficulties.

                    - sometimes, local conditions don't help:

                         - the Mauritius kestrel was fed with a "native" diet of mice
                         and lizards.  Unfortunately the problem was with
                         organochlorides, so removal to captivity didn't help the
                         kestrel at all (egg shell thinning still happened).

                         - There's a reference to Cheetah breeding success, but there
                         seems to be no recent mention of this example.

          Captive raising:

               Two methods predominate:

               Cross fostering:

                    - removing eggs from the wild and using related species for
                    incubation.  The problem here is that imprinting can be difficult to
                    avoid, and if the young imprint on the wrong species, one could be
                    making the situation worse.

                    - black stilts simply followed their foster parents on migration. 

                    - experimentation is useful here (try different things, as long as
                    populations numbers aren't critically low).

               Head starting:

                    - starting a species and then releasing lots of young - often it is the
                    very young that are most at risk, so if these can be protected, the
                    theory is that perhaps survival will go up.

                         - turtle eggs - letting turtle eggs hatch in captivity, perhaps
                         letting them grow a little, and then releasing them into the
                         wild (e.g., even helping hatchlings into the ocean might be
                         considered helping).

                         - evidence that this works is conflicted.

                         - Kemp's ridley sea turtle, for instance, used to be most
                         strongly affected by shrimpers.  Augmenting juvenile
                         populations didn't seem to help (besides, juvenile mortality
                         wasn't that bad for this turtle).

                              - turtle numbers are showing signs of recovery.

                         - note again the emphasis on knowing the cause (and
                         treating this cause) of the decline.

               Mauritius kestrel (again):

                    - illustrates another problem - sometimes you don't want to raise
                    an animal with it's parents

                         - kestrels raised by kestrels did not disperse, and the habitat
                         was already saturated with kestrels.

                         - kestrels raised in captivity adapted to other types of
                         habitat and are helping the species to recover.

               Annoying fact - sometimes it's hard to know exactly what to do.


               Here we're interested in moving animals for any number of reasons:

               - establish new populations

               - introduce a species (controversial)

               - repatriate a species (put it back to where it once was)

               - build up a species

               None of this will work if the cause of the original population's decline has
               not been taken care of:

                    - Translocations of the Laysan rail were unsuccessful because the
                    islands they were moved to had the same problem (too many
                    rabbits) as the place they came from.

               Sometimes, one translocates animals because it is impossible to treat the
               cause of the decline.

                    - New Zealand has had a lot of success moving animals to predator
                    free islands.

                         - black rats had already exterminated a number of species,
                         and are quite impossible to control on the mainland.

                         - But on some of the islands, black rats could be

               If the cause of the decline is treated, it has to be done effectively:

                    - a small wallaby in Australia was released into a fenced enclosure. 
                    Despite the fence, poisonings and shootings, predators still
                    prevented the population from recovering.

               Sometimes we don't know if the treatment worked:

                    - small test releases can be done if there are enough individuals
                    around to permit this:

                         - a few endangered snails were released to test for the
                         presence of predators (yes, the predators were still there).

               Releasing animals into their former habitat also highlights other problems:

                    - the original habitat may have changed (sometimes in complex

                         - even if the cause of the decline is treated, the habitat may
                         not revert to what was there (it may change due to other
                         interactions that have been set up).

                         - the swift fox in Canada illustrates this:

                              - disappeared from prairies by 1900's, due to
                              poisoning and demand for pelts.

                              - ranchers since then have shot up ground squirrels
                              and badgers (whose burrows were used as escape
                              holes by the foxes).

                              - grizzly bears and wolves were exterminated,
                              which decreased scavenging opportunities.

                              - as wolves decreased, coyotes increased (coyotes
                              like foxes!).

                              - so when swift foxes were re-introduced, a lot of
                              stuff worked against them.

                              - it does appear that some of them might be
                              surviving, however (but numbers are not what was
                              hoped for).
                         - on the other hand, the removal of wolves in many parts of
                         Sweden allowed beavers to increase quite rapidly when
                         they were re-introduced.

                    - the released animals may not be able to deal effectively with their
                    new found freedom (i.e., are not predator aware, etc.)

               Releasing animals (repatriating them) also requires a lot of public support.  

                    - ranchers opposed the release of the black footed ferret (mostly
                    because they wanted to control prairie dogs, but also because they
                    don't like the endangered species act).

                    - even for animals, publicity can be a bad thing:

                         - disturbance of the black footed ferret by photographers
                         was to blame for reduced survival.

               Bad luck can be important:

                    - Accidents killed 4/8 California condors.

                    - A severe storm wiped out 10 Laysan finches the night after they
                    were released (one wonders wether anyone looked at the weather
                    forecast, however).

                    - Przewalski's horse was established in France, but 3/4 stallions
                    died from congenital defects, and the fourth died due to lightning.  

                         - Fortunately subsequent releases to Mongolia have

               Types of releases:

                    Hard - simply releasing the animal into the wild.  Cheap.

                    Soft - providing some food, shelter, education (e.g. predator
                    awareness) for the animal as it's released.

                         - obviously a soft release can help and give the animals
                         time to adjust to their new environment.

                         - some animals benefit from this (several species of
                         Peromyscus were initially released into predator proof
                         enclosures - this helped get them re-established)

                    If there is no difference, the hard release is a lot cheaper (and if
                    studies show that it works, this is often what is done).


                    Whatever happens, monitoring should be done to ensure that the
                    techniques worked, or if they didn't work to try and determine
                    what went wrong.  

                         - this also allows us to figure out when, for example, soft
                         support can be eliminated.

                         - monitoring should be done in a way that does not interfere
                         with the survival of the animal.

                              - radiotelemetry is nice, but it can interfere with
                              movements etc.

     Concluding remarks:

          Zoos and captive breeding are not necessarily a cure-all.

               Insufficient capacity, and sometimes insufficient knowledge, can be severe
               handicaps if this is tried 

                    - we've tried unsuccessfully for years to breed many species in
                    captivity - cheetahs, Sumatran rhino, etc.
                         - perhaps the money would be better spent trying to shore
                         up wild habitats.

               But it can work quite well.  A final case study:  The Arabian oryx.

                    - by 1972, the last wild population was exterminated.

                    - fortunately, a program was started to try to save the oryx, and
                    after some tribulations, 9 oryx wound up in Phoenix.  

                    - by 1986, populations in captivity were back up to 700 animals,
                    scattered through various zoos in the U.S. and Europe.

                    - Starting with eighteen oryx (and some later supplementation),
                    these were re-introduced to Oman.

                    - by 1996, 400 animals roamed the area without any special

                    [unfortunately, this is not a real success story - by 1998 the
                    population had crashed to 138 animals due to poaching!]

                         - but, the captive breeding worked, and further releases in
                         Saudi Arabia have been quite successful (over 600
                         animals), and even in Oman things are improving.