June 16, 2018                                

General Remarks:   Cell phones, pagers, iPods, communication devices, etc. should be turned off BEFORE class begins.   Failure to do so will result in your removal from the classroom.

Grading :

  • The final grade in this course will be based on a percentage of points earned relative to total possible points. Listed below is the tentative point distribution for examinations, quizzes/homework assignments and the laboratory grade. However, an absolute grading scale cannot be determined until all scores have been compiled and evaluated. In order to optimize your overall performance use the following scale as a rule of thumb: 100-90% (A); 89-80% (B); 79-70% (C); <69% (D or F). DO NOT RELY UPON A "CURVE"; MAXIMIZE YOUR OVERALL PERFORMANCE IRRESPECTIVE OF A "CURVE".

  • George Mason University does not dictate a grading scale. Instructors may determine cut off points for A, B, C, etc. The use of plus and minus grades for A, B, C is also at the instructor’s discretion.
  • "Grading on a curve" is not mandatory.
  • True letter grades cannot be assigned to exams during the course of the semester because students at the bottom tend to drop or withdraw from the class, thereby resulting in a shift of the average for the exam. Students that withdrew from the course, as well as those that stopped attending, will not be considered in the calculation of the overall average for the course at the end of the semester.

  • Extra credit work and/or assignments will not be entertained at the end of the semester because students failed to properly manage their time.

Hourly Exams (3) 




Quizzes, HW


Final Exam (lecture) 




Hourly exams:

  • A valid GMU ID is required for all exams.  Other forms of ID will not be accepted.   GMU ID cards that do not clearly show the face and identification number will not  be accepted  Presentation of an ID card after your Scan-Tron form has been turned in and you exit the examination area will not be accepted for the exam(s).

  • Students are responsible for providing their own calculators, pencils, erasers, and Scan-Tron forms for examinations. You should be very familiar with your calculator prior to exam dates.  PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATORS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED DURING QUIZ and EXAMINATION PERIODS.  CALCULATOR SHARING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED DURING TESTING PERIODS. Small computers are also not allowed during examination periods.  Use of such will be considered an honor code violation and dealt with accordingly. Three exams  (samples of old exams are posted on Blackboard) and a final cumulative exam will be given during the semester. ACS study guides for the final exam can be purchased from the GMU Bookstore or ordered online from the American Chemical Society (ACS). All exam scores will be used in determining the final grade.  Makeup exams will not be given.  It is your responsibility to schedule your plane/train travel around the listed exam dates and times.

  • ALL cell phones and communication devices are to be turned off, properly secured and stored away BEFORE the exams begin. If I find (see or hear) a cell phone on a student during an exam, the student will receive an automatic "F" for the exam, since this is an honor code violation and the matter referred to the Office of Academic Integrity. The recommendation will be for the student to receive a grade of "F" for the entire course. If another student observes the violation or has knowledge of the offense, yet fails to report it, he/she may also be accused of violating the honor code. Students should not place themselves in a position that appears to support collusion in the honor code violation activity. All parties will be referred to the honor committee with sanctions levied based on the number of offenses and judgements determined by the honor committee. Keep in mind at all times that GMU is an Honor Code university.
  • Any form of cheating on the final exam will result in an automatic "F" for the course.
  • The standard recommendation for honor code violations will be prosecution to the fullest extent.
  • Recommendations regarding honor code violations (HCV) on hourly exams.......first time offenders---a grade of "F" for the hourly exam; repeat offenders--a grade of "F" for the course and suspension/expulsion from George Mason University.
  • Recommendations regarding honor code violations (HCV) on the final exam.......first time offenders---a grade of "F" for the course and suspension/expulsion from George Mason University.

Final Exam: The final exam is a standardized exam, cumulative in nature, that covers concepts from the CHEM 212 semester. If you purchased a study guide for the ACS examination for CHEM 211 you do not need to purchase another one.

  • PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATORS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR THE FINAL EXAM.   It is your responsibility to secure a basic non-programmable calculator and familiarize yourself with it prior to the final exam period. No exceptions will be made for the final examination.

  • The final examination can only be rescheduled by the COS Assistant Dean.


  • In-class quizzes will be administered during the semester.  The unannounced quizzes are not optional/extra credit work and count toward your final grade.  Students should always coome to class prepared.

Laboratory (brief notes/reminders):

  • A passing grade must also be obtained in the laboratory portion of the course.  It is critical that you understand the theory and experimental concepts of the first part of General Chemistry in order to be successful in the second part of the course. All students enrolled in the lecture must take the lab concurrently.

  • Due to the large number of students enrolled in CHEM 212, all students officially enrolled in the lab must be present at the start of the lab period throughout the drop period. Late-shows will be dropped from the lab and their slots assigned to a student on the waiting list. You will be dropped from lecture and lab because concurrent enrollment is required.


  • The problems at the end of the chapters are provided for your benefit in order to develop critical problem solving skills necessary in this course. Do not quit after working the easier problems. The more challenging problems incorporate several concepts and will better prepare you for quizzes and exams. Selected problems will be worked in class on a "time permitting basis." You should reserve a separate spiral bound notebook for working out the problems and bring the notebook to the instructor’s office hours or the tutors when seeking help. You should be able to demonstrate that you have put forth a reasonable effort toward mastery of the material before seeking help. Do not get discouraged and spend excessive amounts of time on a single problem. Move on to those you can solve and budget your time wisely.

  • Online homework is not optional and will count toward your final grade. Online homework is accessed using CONNECT. Students are required to use the single sign-on feature to access homework assignments directly through Blackboard. Deadlines will be posted on CONNECT and Blackboard.

  • Colligative mole fraction and Vapor Pressure

  • pH scale w.r.t. biological systems


REFER TO THE CONNECT (McGraw Hill) WEBSITE FOR UPDATED QUIZ AND HOMEWORK DEADLINES. You must have access to CONNECT in order to complete the quiz and homework assignments.