Reflections: National Art Gallery, African Art Museum & Voices of Africa
Though I do not have any previous work to include in my portfolio pertaining to the subject of how my "work" has changed over the six week period, I have decided to briefly mention my most memorable experience.The National Art Gallery changed my perspective on art immensly. I saw a whole new way of storytelling and looking at the world through the materpieces found in the gallery. Italian art fascinated me with the themes of Christendom and the beauty of age of relics right before my eyes. The African Art Museum allowed me to learn about cultures that were different than mine. Many of the works that I had judged as "wierd" made sense once they were explaned by the tour guide. Voices of Africa enabled me to make my own observations and learn from the world around me, the world I knew so little about before coming to NCLC 130. Art is now very important to me, especially now that I find it intersting to examine because I have an idea of what I am looking for. Art has been the most important and valuable asset as I can now begin to unbiasedly begin to understand themes in other cultures without the barrier of linguistic communication.

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