PSCI 703 |
Spring 2008 |
Instructor: John A. Schreifels |
Grading: Seminar attendance and brief reports (see below)
Course Description
- PSCI 703 is a requirement for all PSCI PhD candidates. It carries one credit hour per semester and students must repeat this three times.
- Students in this course are required to attend at least 10 seminars during the semester. To promote the interdisciplinary nature of this course, students are encouraged to attend seminars in several different disciplines offered at GMU (Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Computational & Data Sciences) or any off campus seminars approved by the instructor (no more than two per semester).
- Students are required to submit a brief summary for each seminar they attended to the course instructor.
Representative Seminar Series at GMU
Seminar in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar
COLLOQUIA of the Computational Materials Science Center
Quantum Information Science (QIS) Seminar
Astrophysics Journal Club (Up to 2 seminars from this can be applied as long as there are formal speakers for the meeting).
Seminar Attendance Requirements:
For each seminar, submit a brief summary should be submitted. This should be an "executive summary" which should describe what main points the speaker was trying to make; these summaries should be approximately one page long. The first 5 summaries are due on Mar. 15 and the rest on May 6 Summaries can be placed in my mailbox (Rm. 343, S&T 1) or submitted electronically. You should include
1. Title, Speaker, Affiliation and where the seminar was attended. Please include the sponsoring department - Chem, Physics, etc.
2. Major points and conclusions made during the talk.
3. Submit electronic or paper copies.
4. First 5 due by Mar. 15; rest by May 6.
The following grading scheme assumes on time submission of satisfactory summaries of the seminars:
Last update: Feb. 1, 2008