
Mini-Assignment #1
300-word news article
1 Feb
Mini-Assignment #2
(short) audio script
22 Feb
Mini-Assignment #3
(short) video script
15 March
Mini-Assignment #4
Instructional Multimedia
29 March
Mini-Assignment #5
Narrative Multimedia
26 April
Group Multimedia Project  
15 February
18 March
19 April
3 May
  I really do enjoy reading your writing. Please do take advantage of the relatively small size of this class and the workshop environment to work on your own specific goals within the class.

If you want to talk in detail about assignments, or are unsure of what you should be writing to complete each one successfully, see me as soon as you can. I'm usually on campus Monday through Thursday (and often on Friday morning). My contact details are at the top of the syllabus page.

I'm also happy to read drafts of assignments before the submission date, and offer feedback on your writing, and advice (if necessary!) on improving its focus for the relevant task and your chosen audience for that assignment. 


<Syllabus> <Weekly Schedule> <Assignments> <Resources
<Main Site>

Lesley Smith
Spring 2001

New Century College
in the
College of Arts and Sciences
George Mason University