Creating Interaction


Choose the exercise that best corresponds to your experience with the creation of web pages and multimedia. However, each group in the class will work with the relatively lo-tech web authoring package, Netscape Composer.

In the beginning...
(little or no web/multimedia experience)
...and after some time
(experienced creators of web pages/multimedia productions


In the beginning

Write a poem or short, short story across five inter-linked screens created in Netscape Composer. Each screen should have at least one link to another screen (and preferably two). Try to choose the words you make into links so that the process of focussing on that word, and then linking from it, adds meaning to your reader's/viewer's experience that is not conveyed in the words themselves.

Netscape Composer Instructions




...and after some time


Create a short interactive game (or the beginnings of a game) for your reader/viewer. Your game may be a puzzle, a quest, a multiple choice game, a game of consequences, a narrative story, an interactive set of instructions....whatever you like.

1) You must use Netscape Composer, but you may use any other resources you can access through the computer

2) You may hand-code as much as you wish

3) You must include multiple, meaningful choices for your player

I know that working with few resources is tough, but it does challenge you to be creative. How inventive and original can you be?


<Syllabus> <Weekly Schedule> <Assignments> <Resources>
<Main Site>

Lesley Smith
Spring 2001

New Century College
in the
College of Arts and Sciences
George Mason University